Realizing the Kingdom's vision 2030 towards a prosperous economy, a vibrant society, and an ambitious nation by supporting the employment of the national workforce in private sector establishments, by reaching a large number of institutions and companies to help researchers and job seekers find suitable jobs for them and harness their skills and abilities to serve their homeland in various Domains by creating ambitious national competencies in all sectors of the state.
Abna Watan office in Aseer Region seeks to localize the private sector by establishing partnership relations with the largest number of institutions and companies to limit job opportunities and help researchers and job seekers to find suitable jobs for them and provide basic employment services to them, such as how to write a CV and job search skills And customer service, and then carry out the matching processes and nominate suitable job seekers to fill these opportunities and coordinate job interviews between the two parties and follow-up appointment procedures and post-employment job stability to ensure service quality and customer satisfaction